The Association has three main focus areas:
Publicity, Advocacy and Communication
- Improve the membership and participation rates of Deputy Principals in all regions with a focus on rural and remote areas (list of Association members sent to regional convenors)
- Send NSWSDPA representatives to network/regional DP meetings
- Improve communication and sharing of ideas between regions through the website, planner and app
- Strengthen our relationship and profile with the DoE so that the views of the Association are included in decisions of policy development and implementation (meet with and liaise closely with Dean White)
- Re-examine and evaluate the role of Regional convenors and NSWSDPA delegates, and the structure of Regional meetings in addressing the NSWSDPA Focus Areas
- Continue to work with the Secondary Principals Council to enhance advocacy
Professional Learning
- Provide and lead ongoing professional learning and support for DPs at local, regional and state levels
- Provide professional learning and support for Aspiring DPs
- Maintain and expand professional learning links with DoE and other professional associations
- Regions to survey DPs re professional learning needs
- Align District/Regional professional learning with NSWSDPA Focus Areas
- Collaborative approach to regional meetings (break down boundaries)
- Share information about speakers
- Organise one or more Aspiring DP days
- Organise one or more PL Day
- Develop a network of retired Deputy Principals to support the work of the Wellbeing Officer.
- Use TMB sponsorship to subsidise the travel costs for DPs in rural and remote areas to encourage them to attend the NSWSDPA PL Day and State Conference
- Regions to apply for transport subsidies to cover costs of transport (bus hire)
- Close liaison with Wellbeing Officer
- Road trip to DP’s not attending NSWSDPA State Conference
- Encourage and set aside time for all DP’s to complete the Wellbeing survey